Houston Area HOA Foreclosure-related Filings
Attorneys Yearly Detail

Adams, Rebecca17               8
Alderson, Lori   5 181914241614445102976265
Alexander, Robert T.          3 3    6
Altamira, Marilyn                1818
Anschutz, Everett L.3   13           7
Artiz, Ernest8  4 2  93       26
Banks, John        1 251    9
Barsalou & Assoc. 61313254302223      136
Barsalou, W. Austin  5   1 1123019191934914163
Bartley & Spears      2 212420     9157
Bartley, Johnson & Conkin    10368403311       138
Bartley, Richard E.    4    114479117106143168152914
Bartley, Thomas114               15
Behrman, C. Thomas     2  444354 3231
Best, Stephen                1414
Blackburn, Robert              25  25
Bone, Robert             39161038
Box, Kenneth 105              15
Burger & Curry   1  47         12
Burke, Michael K.              17 8
Burke, Thomas       85        13
Burton & Assoc. 141205417          97
Burton, Lou81 1722 1237222630234324198265
Butler & Hailey                1515
Butler, Ewalt & Hailey    2 16132       24
Butler, Langford & Ewalt51732133 2          72
Butler, Langford, Ewalt & Hailey    20658          93
Butler, Rick2131141022202531287335918417068606
Butler, Sara             12221338
Cain, Larry D.2      68 52810 31155
Cartwright, Daniel29 13              42
Chesney, William        1 1199557350
Clark, Jeffrey     1     6 41  12
Cohen, Jay I.27 71810141416416 1   100
Crofford, Gary 1 5             6
Crow, Richard             312  15
Culpepper, Cox & Bryant    61           7
Culpepper, Jimmy6                6
Curry & Terry         1119      30
Curry, Michael2014  2318  2 6     65
Dalton, Greg J.          2526411  57
Daughtry, Charles A.            112 5054
Davis, Cliff          1    274472
Delaney, Rebecca         291661489154   488
Dillon, Stephen61121623176      36
Duncan, Joseph             1 6613
Eikenburg & Stiles  2416131933516       108
Elizalde, Burger & Curry      16137       27
Elliott, Brady 19 1             20
Ewalt, Jeffrey22 41713153975105895264757885816730
Fishman, Bradley          12 62423460
Forrest, Joseph                77
Foster, Ann24               6
Foster, Douglas         2111 1  6
Frank, Elmore & Lievens353223104234135      122
Frankfort, Todd           53436   75
Gainer, Michael541562321257147788369149138646142928
Gaitz, Michael              6  6
Gammon & Matthews     1 331412       60
Gammon, William     112 615932093002462922211671562
Garth, Thomas           6  1  7
Giblin, Gina            582  15
Gilbert, Vicki        44 1     9
Gregg & Mieszkuc      112025332      91
Gregg, Dick H.          213535726
Gregg, Jones, Mieszkuc & P  421            7
Gregg, Mieszkuc & P    29     1     12
Hailey, Roy3018412  27691674 514514252
Hartnett, Everett     31113 31  1317
Haus, Jacqualine R.      55         10
Heller, Harvey       1    542  12
Henk, Peter M.          34611   24
Herms, C. Dean Jr.              51 6
Holt, Russell          8124281246
Hoover, Bax & Slovacek     1231542359     1126
Huffman, Kathy417               21
Hutchings, Sealy          6      6
Ingle, Laura     72941201511133    139
Inlow, Michael D.   2112          6
Jackson, Daniel W.            21 5412
Jacobus, Boltz & Melamed   1237           31
Janecek, Jane            1734496624190
Jasperson, Desiree A.             27128 47
Jenkins, Helen85               13
Johnson & Artiz59               14
Johnston, Cheryle 224           8  34
Jones, Brent      1310132       38
Jones, Russell     6  1        7
Joseph, Louis111122           8
Jost, Lewis   8      5 2131  29
Kapp, Rodney        1 62 1 1112
Katine, Mitchell  2      161499222317103
Kundiger, Daniel          912     21
Kurisky, George         112  2  6
Leasure, Mimi 1 1157604061641005414    417
Lemons, Carol        63 4     13
Lendais & Assoc.  1720242513          99
Levin & Kasner        73       10
Levin, Alan315               36
Levin, Roth & Kasner 3  112          7
Lewis, Thomas      4275274108725316712010198876
Lievens, Richard1521               36
Little, Wesley      616192       43
Love, Kenneth A.        3 32     8
Lupo, Kenneth   12 1        32  45
Markel, M.D.111  1  1210 10642 149
Martin, Aubrey      6          6
Mayor, Day, Caldwell & K      228        12
McGoey, Joseph       2021542     52
McQueen, Dennis               279
Melamed, Richard 245             11
Messock, Jeffrey302424456181998710522264741332
Mieszkuc, Marilyn241253341 1 3521374134535279
Morris, Lendais, Hollrah & B     43 21       10
Motes, Matthew            42   6
Murphree, Gary6646 1315 5      37
Musslewhite, Charles14                14
Negrin, Robert         1   61  8
Nix, Stanley 5          1    6
Nolan, Jack D. 7 1             8
O'Connell, Thomas    3 3 1        7
O'Neal, Michael  201161833858068681022537765375757
Pearce, Kenneth H.          41 6   11
Pedigo, Joseph              27 9
Petronella & Yarborough        24       6
Petronella, Richard          135 15721667
Poock, Steven              9 110
Prince, Wayman     24 1        7
Radoff, Henry      1   43     8
Remels, Keith    9    317 54    83
Reynolds, Rodney1      1  2133 2 13
Rice, Susan      1423211416672573 136
Rivoire, Thomas  5  11 1 3      11
Roberts, Markel & Folger    1 2 3 1      7
Roseman, Donald22                22
Rosie, Frank  72             9
Samuelson, Douglas             10817 35
Sanders, Mark      131  1     6
Sandvig, Douglas           86    14
Scheinthal, Alan           425  415
Schimmel, Bruce 11112  2  1     9
Scott, Elizabeth E.          7647972565
Sears, Terry        109993221610142
Smith, Thomas  5        54    14
Soard, Robert   212162233341127677875464108535
Spears, Walter E.    1   263010157213438164
Stair, Stacy    42           6
Stan Nix & Assoc.   1103           14
Stewart, Robert           89645537
Stone & Stone 8               8
Stull, Donald Michael          323345   65
Stumpf & Falgout      223        7
Syptak, Stephen B.                1212
Tavel, Sherry D.       231       6
Taylor, David             7   7
Taylor, Trisha1           130894744212
Terry & Assoc         7       7
Terry, Kathy Ann        2 13233319251941175
Treece, Michael    161780535311315101653474387
Tudzin & Tobor5 2  12          10
Tuma, Noha               336
Vacek, Albert Jr.5 1              6
VanCleave, Mark D.               12214
Vernon, Charles A.   62    1  1   111
Wagner, John Jr. 3 5             8
Waites, Richard C.573423 12         36
Walker, Jerry                88
Walsh, Squires & Tompkins   33181          25
Walsh, White, Tompkins, W      6          6
Wells, Jack47               11
Wettman, Wettman & B  214         1   17
Whitmore, Shepherd & P.  21   4         7
Williams, Birnberg & A   1   53       110
Yack, Robert       12 418    16
Yarrell, Ellen   55            10
Young, James          1    131731
(5 or less)584841312231332422172726231917824471
(missing)111  1  1    1 76780
Grand Total4963943023163154376848519581026144912961451147913431430154015767

  • The data counts cases, where possible, for individual attorneys. Identified firms are counted if an individual attorney's name was unavailable. Thus, the numbers for an individual attorney or for a law firm may be understated since the data counts each case only once. For example, a case counted for "John Smith" is not counted again for the law firm of "Smith & Jones".
  • Names with five or less filings are tallied together in the (5 or less) row.
  • Attorney or firm information for less than 1% of filings is not yet available and is tallied in the (missing) row.